Line Romance
Line Romance also known as Love Line, is a 2014 Korean television mini-drama starring Lee Min-ho and Bea Hayden. It is a story of a female Chinese tourist named Ling Ling, who goes to Korea and falls in love with Min-ho, a music producer with both talent and good looks. Due to their language barrier, the two people use the mobile messenger app LINE to communicate with one another.
Min-ho (Lee Min-ho) is a musician who met Ling Ling (Bea Hayden) on his walk and got inspired to write a new song. He then made a silly mistake by sending her a text message saying he loved her.
Lee Min-ho as Min-ho
Bea Hayden as Ling Ling
Kim Bo-mi as Min-ho's stylist
Kim Kang-hyun as Min-ho's manager
International broadcastEditThe show aired four days, CTR collected was US$ 20 million. Producers official said, "just an ad miniseries will be able to hit such a high CTR, has once again proven the popularity of Lee Min-ho".In Thailand, it aired on Workpoint TV.
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